
Plantopia podcast interview with Matt Kasson

Healthy plants are the foundation for life on our planet. They produce the oxygen we breathe and over 80% of the food we eat. The __Plantopia__ podcast series explains how protecting plant health can ensure a sustainable future. Inspired by the United Nations declaration of 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health, the American Phytopathological Society created Plantopia so you can explore the world of plant health in company with plant pathologists—people on a mission to protect plants and our food supply.

Welcome, Logan!

Logan Blair joins the Grunwald lab.

Congratulations, Dr. Cauldron

Congratulations to Nick on graduating with a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology.

Welcome, Camilo!

Camilo Parada-Rojas joins the Chang and Grunwald labs.

Congratulations, Martha!

Congratulations to Martha on the award of a competitive USDA NIFA postdoctoral fellowship.

Congratulations, Nick Carleson!

Congratulations to Nick on the award of a competitive USDA NIFA predoctoral fellowship.

Welcoming Martha, Fernanda, Ricardo and Zach!

Drs. Martha Sudermann, Fernanda Iruegas Bocardo, Ricardo I. Alcalá-Briseño, and Zach Foster join the Chang, LeBoldus and Grunwald labs.

OSU BPP Spring Seminar 2021 videos

Check out the 2021 spring seminar series videos for the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University.

Welcoming Andrew Tupper to the lab!

Dr. Andrew Tupper joins our group as a postdoc to conduct comparative genomic approaches on _P. ramorum_.

Congratulations, Dr. Foster!

Congratulations to Zach Foster on graduating with a Ph.D. in Molecualr and Cellular Biology from Oregon State University.