
Congratulations, Dr. Shakya!

Congratulations to Shankar Shakya on graduating with a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Oregon State University.

National Phytophthora Preparedness Workshop, Melbourne, Australia

Thanks for inviting me to give a keynote talk at the National _Phytophthora_ preparedness workshop in Melbourne, Australia.

Open Plant Pathology (OPP) interview

__OPP__ provides a series of interviews with scientists in __Plant Pathology__ or related areas who have embraced open science and contributed knowledge and tools to advance the field. OPP is a community of plant pathologists, mostly computationally-oriented, that supports several forms of Open Science practices. We support efforts from individuals or groups to develop and deliver next-generation databases and tools for plant pathology-related subjects and applications using open source software, data and repositories.

CIP Workshop in Lima, Peru

Thanks for inviting me to give a seminar and workshop on our R population genetic and genomic tools during the CIP workshop 'New tools for understanding late blight resistance and population structure of _Phytophthora infestans_' in Lima, Peru.

Metacoder heat-tree wins PLoS t-shirt competition

Congratulations to Zach Foster on recognition of his metacoder package and the new heat-tree concept.

Bill Fry retires

Congratulations to Bill Fry on his retirement.

Congratulations, Dr. Tabima!

Congratulations to Javier Tabima on graduating with a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Oregon State University.

Congratulations, Zach Foster!

Congratulations to Zach Foster on obtaining a competitive ROpenSci scholarship.

Ariena van Bruggen retires from the University of Florida

Ariena H. C. van Bruggen, my PhD mentor, retires from the University of Florida. I was lucky to be able to participate in her memorable retirement symposium entitled Microbial Cycling in Food Webs. The symposium was a resounding success and we all wish Ariena the best in retirement.