Image credit: NJ Grünwald

Congratulations, Dr. Tabima!

Image credit: NJ Grünwald

Congratulations, Dr. Tabima!

👏 Congratulations to Javier Tabima, who graduated with a stellar record with a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Oregon State University. Besides getting many travel awards, Javier has also been awarded several prestigious awards including:

  • CAS Savery Outstanding Doctoral Student Award. 2017. College of Agricultural Sciences, Oregon State University
  • Lenore Bayley Fellow (2016-2017). Oregon State University. Link at OSU.
  • Invited Oral Presentation “Searching for genomic signatures of host jumping onto raspberry and strawberry in two Phytophthora sister taxa”. American
  • Invited special session talk: “Plant Pathologist of the Future”, American Phytopathological Society meeting. 2016. Representing APS Pacific Division.
NJ Grünwald
Distinguished Senior Research Plant Pathologist | Professor (Courtesy)

Our research interests include the ecology, evolution and genomics of emerging plant pathogens.
